Student Data Privacy

The Douglas County School District cares deeply about the privacy of our students. We are committed to ensuring that their data is protected in every instance, and that we are in compliance with the Colorado Student Data Transparency and Security Act (HB 16-1423) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
DCSD has always protected student data. The new Colorado Student Data Transparency and Security Act is helping to reinforce this protection by focusing on:
• Reinforcing protocol for using software and working with vendors
• Transparency for our community on what student data the CDE and DCSD collects and how its collected
• Bringing greater awareness of elements to look for on click-through contracts for free online apps
Student Data Privacy Act Roles and Responsibilities
House bill 16-1423 mandates local school districts and charter schools implement the following items:
Each Charter school is responsible for:
- adopting a student data privacy policy
- creating a webpage for transparency that has the following
- list of student PII collected by the charter
- list of CDE student PII
- list of Apps that is used by the school
- list of vendors that collect student PII
- with contract and Data privacy addendum
- conduct Mandatory training regarding student privacy
Douglas County School District will share resources with our Charter schools.  On the district Student Data Privacy Site are resources:
- list of district apps
- app vetting process
- data privacy addendum
- list of student PII collected by the district
- link to the CDE student PII collected
- link to vendors that collect PII and their contracts