All about Specials:
Academy Charter School Specials Program supports growth and development in core classes.
K-5th grade: P.E., Music, Library, Technology, Art, and Spanish.
6th grade: Technology, Spanish, and Study Skills
K-5th grade: P.E., Music, Library, Technology, Art, and Spanish.
6th grade: Technology, Spanish, and Study Skills
ART exposes students to various genres of art and encourages creative expression. In class, students engage in basic activities such as painting and drawing, modeling, constructing, and designing. In addition, students are provided opportunities to experiment with unique mediums of art such as tie-dying fabrics, animation, and scrapbooking. This program offers students the instruction and space required to create amazing art portfolios and let their imaginations soar.
The LIBRARY is a place where students can come and check out a good book and learn library skills, including genres, the Dewey Decimal System, reference materials, and plagiarism. In addition, students engage in fun seasonal activities and enjoy the thrill of Scholastic Book Fairs.
MUSIC teaches our students to sing, dance, compose, and play instruments. Classes actively practice singing skills, creative movement, rhythmic and melodic composition, and performing. Traditionally, grade levels will perform a music program, host family folk dances and game nights, or perform in a school assembly at least once time during the year.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION promotes good health and fitness both inside and outside of school. Students learn concepts of body control, fundamental movement skills, and following rules. Basic fitness is practiced through activities, exercises, rhythmic lessons, games, and sports. Learning and developing sports skills, practicing cooperation and teamwork, and displaying good sportsmanship are crucial elements to our program.
SPANISH offers two amazing Spanish programs using the K-5 Calico and 6th grade ¡Avancemos! curriculums. The Calico Spanish program is designed to use visual aids, videos, music, activities, songs, storybooks and mini-dramatizations to communicate effectively in Spanish. The 6th grade ¡Avancemos! curriculum is a proficiency-oriented language instruction textbook. This means language learners practice the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). Spanish 1-a is designed to focus on the language and culture of Spanish-speaking countries.
TECHNOLOGY at ACS offers a wide variety of applied digital skills. We take the analytical approach and merge tech with history and creativity. The fundamentals of word processing, presentations, spreadsheets, and digital communication are mixed with standards and endless creativity. We encourage all of our students to be computer literate with the understanding that technology is a tool that supports the basic principles of education.
STUDY SKILLS is a program for 6th graders to aid them in their transition from elementary school to middle school. This program teaches students strategies that are not only helpful but also critical to learning and being successful in middle school and beyond.